[CQ-Contest] Convergence and Change

Stan Stockton wa5rtg at gmail.com
Sat May 21 10:51:56 EDT 2016


Are you and everyone else OK with someone having proprietary software creating a robotic operation with perhaps a half dozen rigs that cannot be beaten by a real operator?  If the assisted category were meaningful enough that would have already been done. 

Perhaps for many total automation would ruin the radio sport activity?

I believe if you polled those who routinely operate and play fair in the SOAB category they are OK with the effort made to adjudicate the results and don't want to give up their category of choice because it isn't perfect.

Why is there not an outcry to eliminate the QRP and Low Power categories?  Way less likely someone will be caught for running too much power in those categories than using a code reader or packet in SO categories.

73... Stan, K5GO

Sent from Stan's IPhone

> On May 19, 2016, at 2:03 AM, Davor Kucelin <davor.kucelin at plavalaguna.hr> wrote:
> CQWW SSB Top 10 scores all years 
> 1             EA8BH  1999      SO HP ALL           25,646,796
> 10,253   176         692         -              N5TJ      
> 2             CN2R     2004      SO HP ALL           20,938,680
> 8,655     172         668         -              W7EJ     
> 3             D4B        2004      SO HP ALL           20,433,438
> 8,799     172         674         -              4L5A      
> 4             D4B        2003      SO HP ALL           20,119,968
> 8,956     169         634         -              4L5A      
> 5             CN2R     2003      SO HP ALL           18,743,250
> 8,682     152         594         -              W7EJ     
> 6             HC8A     1999      SO HP ALL           18,607,050
> 8,638     175         595         -              N6KT     
> 7             CN2R     2011      SO HP ALL           18,518,160
> 8,409     167         593         44.7       W7EJ     
> 8             CN2R     2013      SO HP ALL           18,277,746
> 8,370     167         579         46.9       W7EJ     [Cert]
> 9             HC8A     2000      SO HP ALL           18,122,040
> 9,160     163         547         -              N6KT     
> 10           8P5A     2013      SO HP ALL           17,059,840
> 10,126   162         518         48.0       W2SC    
> 1             9Y4ZC    2003      SA HP ALL           14,979,055
> 8,114     137         500         -              DL6FBL 
> 2             P40A     2011      SA HP ALL           14,332,656
> 7,478     156         513         43.5       KK9A     
> 3             TM6M  2015      SA HP ALL           14,263,470
> 7,057     168         667         47.9       F8DBF   [Cert]
> 4             P40P      2002      SA HP ALL           12,975,732
> 6,639     154         528         -              W5AJ    
> 5             EF8U     2013      SA HP ALL           12,743,163
> 6,656     154         533         45.0       EA8RM [Cert]
> 6             NN3W  2011      SA HP ALL           11,828,236
> 4,921     185         683         44.7       @N3HBX             
> 7             OH0X    2015      SA HP ALL           11,790,240
> 6,294     174         706         48.0       OH6KZP               [Cert]
> 8             P40W    2003      SA HP ALL           11,755,443
> 6,730     137         496         -              W2GD   
> 9             D4B        2002      SA HP ALL           11,567,412
> 5,845     152         586         -              4L5A      
> CQWW CW Top 10 scores all years 
> 1             EA8BH  2000      SO HP ALL           18,010,765
> 7,555     183         634         -              N5TJ      
> 2             ZF2MJ   2015      SO HP ALL           16,730,788
> 10,014   170         527         48.0       N6MJ    [Cert]
> 3             CR3OO 2015      SO HP ALL           16,090,078
> 8,812     152         474         48.0       CT1BOH               [Cert]
> 4             P40E      2003      SO HP ALL           15,943,070
> 7,828     169         546         -              CT1BOH               
> 5             EF8M    2011      SO HP ALL           15,846,012
> 7,873     160         531         48.0       RD3A     
> 6             PZ5T      2011      SO HP ALL           15,673,940
> 7,592     173         545         47.4       VE3DZ   
> 7             CR3E      2012      SO HP ALL           15,221,316
> 7,275     170         556         48.0       CT1BOH               [Cert]
> 8             CR3E      2011      SO HP ALL           15,151,668
> 7,212     168         564         48.0       CT1BOH               
> 9             EF8M    2010      SO HP ALL           15,117,795
> 7,598     158         535         47.8       RD3A     
> 10           HC8N    1999      SO HP ALL           14,626,579
> 7,001     185         546         -              N5KO
> 1             9Y4ZC    2004      SA HP ALL           14,581,665
> 6,576     169         596         -              DL6FBL 
> 2             5B/AA1TN          2004      SA HP ALL           13,715,573
> 6,381     170         627         -              RW3QC                
> 3             EF9O     2013      SA HP ALL           13,530,554
> 5,826     171         623         46.6       EA5BM [Cert]
> 4             K5ZD/1 2014      SA HP ALL           12,768,365
> 4,993     190         697         44.3                      [Cert]
> 5             EF8U     2013      SA HP ALL           11,955,126
> 5,700     169         602         44.2       EA8RM [Cert]
> 6             CN3A    2010      SA HP ALL           11,818,159
> 5,729     156         577         46.4                       
> 7             NP4Z     2013      SA HP ALL           11,341,512
> 6,059     165         591         46.9                       
> 8             K5ZD/1 2015      SA HP ALL           11,275,488
> 4,742     179         654         44.9                      [Cert]
> 9             CT9M    2002      SA HP ALL           11,225,452
> 5,181     159         605         -              DL2CC   
> 10           P40C      2014      SA HP ALL           11,085,536
> 6,242     154         462         44.8       KU1CW
> So what are we talking about?
> Best Assisted score is way below 10th unassisted score.
> What are you than scared about to combine the 2 categorys.
> 73 Dave 9A1UN
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