[CQ-Contest] Convergence and Change

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mymts.net
Fri May 27 10:29:48 EDT 2016

The big problem is the misuse of the word "assistance," which has spawned all sorts of silly interpretations as including having a spouse cook for you, or a station owner helping debug problems, or antenna-raising parties or using solarham.com to assess space weather conditions be argued to be assistance. 

Any one of those things are, in fact, assistance. But they don't put you into the assisted category. Only your use of spots of any kind or Skimmer does. 

73, kelly, ve4xt 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 27, 2016, at 8:54 AM, Ed Sawyer <sawyered at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Yuri's "confusion" on assistance vs "gadgets" is probably the reason why
> almost all of the DQs on unclaimed assistance come out of Europe.  I think
> that just changing the category name to unlimited vs limited and listing the
> current criteria of the assisted vs unassisted categories might make a big
> difference of clarity for people.
> Most people want to do the right thing.  Lets be as clear as we can on what
> the rules of the game by category are and be sure that unintended confusion
> is avoided wherever possible.
> There is ZERO ambiguity in the details of the rules banning skimmers in
> one's own shack from being allowed in the "unassisted" category.  But is it
> "assistance" as might be translated into other languages?  Not always.  Lets
> just make it easy for people to follow the rules.
> Peak power is another game in EU that I have observed.  It can take 2.5kW of
> output power in SSB for some lagging meters to register 1.5kW on peaks.
> Crank it up until the old meter touches 1.5kW is not uncommon - but WAY more
> power than allowed.
> Ed  N1UR
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