[CQ-Contest] SS Exchange...

Dave Edmonds dave at pkministrywebs.com
Sat Nov 5 15:26:19 EDT 2016

I'm going to include my callsign in my exchange and I'll accept whatever I


Dave AFP

On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 3:12 PM, <Ktfrog007 at aol.com> wrote:

> Since the rules say to send it, I think folks should.  I usually have the
> call as the first item filled in, then go back for the full exchange so
> when it's sent again it gives me a bit of a breather to help keep up and
> not fall behind.
> That's handy cuz I'm slow.
> However, I do consider the exchange to be valid if the call is omitted
> during the actual exchange.  The point is to have the call, however and in
> whatever order.
> 73,
> Ken, AB1J
> In a message dated 2016-11-05 6:03:45 P.M. Coordinated Universal Tim,
> dave at pkministrywebs.com writes:
> In my 2015 SS, many stations responded with "S/N, Prec, Ck, Sec" they
> didn't include their callsign in the exchange...
> Is this a valid report/exchange? Should I omit my callsign from the
> exchange?
> Thoughts?
> TY
> Dave WN4AFP​
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Dave Edmonds
PK Ministry Webs
dave at pkministrywebs.com
"Webs from the Heart"

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