[CQ-Contest] Real Time Scoring and Quick Submissions

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 12:45:13 EST 2016

On 11/11/2016 09:18 AM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
>> If you go to a place that doesn’t have the
>> net you aren’t likely to be using a competitive station and won’t have a
>> shot at beating your chest in triumph anyway.
> I call BS on this one. Sorry.
> Heard Island is going to rock a contest, simply by virtue of its rarity.

Well, Heard Island is a bad example. It will not rock in any contest 
because of its poor proximity and propagation to any population.

However, there are plenty of places in the Caribbean with poor or no 
internet access, but contest-winning antennas.

> You can’t assume everyone operates with the same infrastructure you do, and you can’t assume those who don’t are automatically inferior.

Living on a rural hilltop in New Mexico, United States of America, I can 
certainly agree with you there, Kelly.

Steve, N2IC

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