[CQ-Contest] Why I like contesting more and DXing less

Tom Haavisto kamham69 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 12:00:13 EST 2016

This past weekend in the SS, I did find one trick that seemed to help when
the burps, farts and associated noised started - usually on 40 and 80

I said "Awww - is it time for the net ALREADY???"

More than a few times, that put an end to it <big smile>.

That seems to be the way they want to tell you its time to leave the
frequency - they chase you away, rather than asking you to QSY.

Tom - VE3CX

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:

> The last few weeks I have discovered more and more why I like Contesting
> more and DXing less. (you'd think I would've realized this years ago; maybe
> I am just a slow learner)...the reasons below are honestly not written in a
> sarcastic tone, though some of them look like they were. I give you my word
> I believe these are SOME reasons why I truly like contesting so much. (I
> still like the odd casual QSO and so nothing below applies to that)
> ⦁        I don't have to sit on a frequency and work split and call for 5
> minutes (or 5 hours!) to work a single station
> ⦁        I don't have someone else (or a group of someone elses) telling
> me "UP"..."LID"..."EU" …(or like happened the other day and totally blew my
> mind 'VE9AA QRS QRS AA QRS" (I still can't get over that one...needless to
> say, I did not, and was still able to work the DX just fine thank you very
> much) (this was sent to me more than a dozen times on 80m CW and I don't
> know if the QRMer was just pi$$ed off he couldn't make the rare DX - Q or
> what, but I was instantly targeted. Funny. Most callers were sending
> 24-28wpm, the DX was maybe sending 29-30wpm and I was sending at my usual
> blazing speed of 32-33wpm. I tend to understand most things that happen on
> the air, but this one still has me scratching my head, quite honestly.)
> ⦁        Carriers, farts and burps are rare in contests (unless you're on
> 80m phone above 3800kHz maybe)
> ⦁        I have defined periods of the start and finish of my fun, so I
> don't need to watch the packetcluster (or tune my radio) to know when or if
> my fun will begin.(or end)
> ⦁        I am nearly always greeted with computer sent CW or very good
> fists , many strong signals and pretty good SSB (*some exceptions to the
> SSB rule)
> ⦁        Whether I am weak (or loud) there is nearly always someone to
> work on a certain band and they usually want to work me too regardless of
> signal strength
> ⦁        Lastly (for the moment)....
> ⦁        Most of the other people in this conetst "fun" are like minded
> individuals in that they want to make a clean efficient contact. (I get
> that all folks contest for different reasons)
> ⦁        OK, I have more, but I'd like you fellas to add some too.
> dit dit
> Mike VE9AA
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
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