[CQ-Contest] Why I like contesting more and DXing less

Charles Sanders no5w.chuck at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 12:17:48 EST 2016

I've enjoyed reading this topic but have not managed to read all of the
responses so apologies if the following has already been covered.

Both activities provide the opportunity to operate as a team in a multi-op
but less so in DXing unless you are part of a DXpedition team and then of
course the team aspect is paramount and covers multi-days. But for those of
us unlikely to have the opportunity to go on a DXpedition, contesting, on
the other hand, offers many opportunities to multi-op and has provided some
of my most enjoyable times on the radio, not to mention the opportunity to
play at some mighty fine stations.

73 and Happy Thanksgiving,


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