[CQ-Contest] 2016 SS stats - checks and sections
Tim Shoppa
tshoppa at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 12:18:50 EST 2016
Here are the statistics I compiled about checks and sections in my (N3QE &
K3PRC) SS logs this year. I deduped by callsign and mode. If you can put
your screen into "fixed with font" mode that'll help read the
First, the distribution of checks, with most recent 16 (2016) at the top
and going back in time. SSB is the bar on the left and CW is the bar on the
right. For example, for 16 (2016) there were 11 SSB contacts in my logs,
and 1 CW contact in my log. So the first line shows 11 asterisks on the SSB
side and a 11. Then the check (16) in the middle. Then the number of CW
contacts with that check (1) and a single asterisk.
Note that since 1980 or so, SSB checks dominate. For example, for those
licensed in 2014, there were 15 SSB participants and zero CW participants.
While before 1980 CW dominates - for example, for those licensed in - for
example, for those licensed in 1959, there were 51 CW participants but only
29 SSB participants. For many checks in the 50's and 60's, CW has twice as
many participants as SSB.
There's strong SSB spikes for 1989 and 1991. Were those major years for
no-code license changes, maybe?
*********** 11 16 1 *
******** 8 15 3 ***
*************** 15 14 0
*************** 15 13 4 ****
********** 10 12 3 ***
******* 7 11 1 *
****** 6 10 1 *
******** 8 09 2 **
*********** 11 08 2 **
***** 5 07 2 **
******* 7 06 3 ***
***** 5 05 5 *****
0 04 4 ****
***** 5 03 1 *
*** 3 02 5 *****
******* 7 01 3 ***
********* 9 00 7 *******
******* 7 99 3 ***
******** 8 98 6 ******
****** 6 97 3 ***
******** 8 96 5 *****
****** 6 95 5 *****
******* 7 94 5 *****
******* 7 93 7 *******
************ 12 92 6 ******
****************** 18 91 6 ******
******* 7 90 5 *****
****************** 18 89 5 *****
******* 7 88 4 ****
******** 8 87 6 ******
********** 10 86 10 **********
*** 3 85 1 *
******** 8 84 6 ******
*********** 11 83 5 *****
************ 12 82 6 ******
******** 8 81 7 *******
********* 9 80 10 **********
************* 13 79 13 *************
************** 14 78 20 ********************
*************************** 27 77 30 ******************************
****************************** 30 76 32 ********************************
**************** 16 75 23 ***********************
*************** 15 74 23 ***********************
**************** 16 73 20 ********************
************ 12 72 24 ************************
************************** 26 71 31 *******************************
******************* 19 70 23 ***********************
***************** 17 69 31 *******************************
***************** 17 68 25 *************************
****************** 18 67 33 *********************************
*********** 11 66 22 **********************
****** 6 65 30 ******************************
******************* 19 64 31 *******************************
******************** 20 63 36 ************************************
************************ 24 62 38
************** 14 61 30 ******************************
******************* 19 60 22 **********************
************************** 26 59 51
*************** 15 58 32 ********************************
********** 10 57 27 ***************************
*********** 11 56 19 *******************
*************** 15 55 27 ***************************
********* 9 54 25 *************************
*** 3 53 10 **********
******** 8 52 10 **********
0 51 4 ****
0 50 1 *
* 1 49 1 *
0 48 1 *
* 1 47 1 *
0 46 2 **
0 44 1 *
* 1 38 0
* 1 33 0
* 1 32 0
* 1 31 0
* 1 24 1 *
** 2 22 1 *
0 19 1 *
And below by sections for the two modes, with the most common sections at
the top. Note that I did not work any DE or PR in SSB at all! Also note
very strong turnout by Illinois - population-wise, is IL the largest
section? Maybe that's a new area for me to research, total population by
ARRL section.
************************************* 37 VA 58
****************************************** 42 IL 44
************************************** 38 MDC 42
*************************************** 39 OH 27
******************************* 31 MN 30
******************************* 31 MI 23 ***********************
*********************** 23 WI 24
************************* 25 NC 18 ******************
******************** 20 IN 23 ***********************
***************** 17 NTX 22 **********************
**************** 16 TN 22 **********************
******************* 19 EMA 16 ****************
************ 12 STX 22 **********************
*********** 11 EPA 22 **********************
********* 9 AZ 22 **********************
************* 13 MO 18 ******************
***************** 17 ENY 13 *************
********************** 22 CT 8 ********
***************** 17 KY 13 *************
****************** 18 GA 10 **********
************* 13 WWA 14 **************
******* 7 NFL 19 *******************
******** 8 SCV 18 ******************
******* 7 CO 19 *******************
*********** 11 SV 15 ***************
************* 13 WNY 11 ***********
************** 14 NH 10 **********
********** 10 KS 11 ***********
******** 8 NNJ 12 ************
******* 7 SDG 13 *************
**** 4 OR 15 ***************
********** 10 WMA 8 ********
********** 10 SC 8 ********
********* 9 NLI 9 *********
****** 6 WPA 11 ***********
********** 10 AL 6 ******
**** 4 GTA 11 ***********
******** 8 IA 7 *******
******* 7 ME 8 ********
******** 8 ONS 7 *******
******* 7 MT 7 *******
***** 5 WCF 9 *********
******* 7 SNJ 7 *******
**** 4 NM 9 *********
***** 5 SFL 8 ********
****** 6 AR 7 *******
**** 4 SF 9 *********
******* 7 OK 6 ******
***** 5 WV 7 *******
**** 4 ONE 7 *******
*** 3 EB 8 ********
***** 5 LAX 5 *****
* 1 MS 9 *********
****** 6 RI 4 ****
**** 4 VT 6 ******
****** 6 NNY 4 ****
***** 5 ORG 5 *****
*** 3 LA 7 *******
*** 3 MAR 6 ******
*** 3 BC 6 ******
** 2 QC 6 ******
*** 3 SD 4 ****
** 2 SJV 5 *****
**** 4 MB 3 ***
*** 3 ID 3 ***
*** 3 AB 3 ***
*** 3 WTX 3 ***
** 2 UT 4 ****
** 2 NV 4 ****
** 2 NL 3 ***
* 1 PAC 4 ****
** 2 ND 3 ***
**** 4 NE 1 *
** 2 WY 3 ***
*** 3 SB 2 **
** 2 ONN 2 **
* 1 SK 2 **
* 1 AK 2 **
** 2 VI 1 *
** 2 EWA 1 *
0 DE 3 ***
0 PR 2 **
* 1 NT 1 *
Tim N3QE
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