[CQ-Contest] Don't EU stations use the RBN feeds?

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Mon Nov 28 13:47:47 EST 2016

I was wondering something along the same lines Gerry.  I tuned across some
loud EU's both days (vy easily worked), well before SSet and then thought,
heck, I'll try CQing.

Found a slot, started hammering away, might get one caller in 5 or 6
minutes, then I moved as I thought I might be on some UA9's frequency, but
just can't hear him,

Move, CQ, one caller for every 5 or 6 minutes, gave up and went back to 20m.


I know I am not as loud into EU as K2LE or KC1XX, but with about 700w and a
4-square on the Ridge here, I do "OK"..


It was kinda Bizarro-World to hear 40m open this early.  I wonder if that is
normal for this point in the cycle? Anyone comment?  I wasn't contesting HF
11 yrs ago.


Also, back to your question, why WOULDN'T the EU's use an RBN feed? (if
memory serves, from some CQ survey, there are even more assisted ops in EU
than NA, so it would stand to reason they would)


Mike VE9AA


Europe opened to NA very early on 40m this weekend; it was runable from

K2LE by

13:30 local both Saturday and Sunday.


When I would call CQ, the RBN would light up like a Christmas tree from EU

skimmers with very good reports.


However, little would call in until I was manually spotted by a caller, and

a pile ensued.


BTW, congrats to the RBN team for quickly bringing the system back up after

it died!

(They exceeded a PHP config threshold)...  Essentially rebooting CQWW!! :-)


73, Gerry W1VE @ K2LE this weekend


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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