[CQ-Contest] 2016 Alabama QSO Party results now posted

Tim Wininger ky5rtim at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 22:21:52 EDT 2016

The results of the 2016 Alabama QSO Party have been posted
on the *AQP* website: *alabamaqsoparty.org <http://alabamaqsoparty.org>*

Thanks to all for your participation this year.

Hope to see you again in the 2017 AQP " the biggest little QSO Party in the

2017 will see the AQP powered by the Alabama Contest Group.

I want to recognize the efforts of Jim, KC4HW for revitalizing this event
as Jim
will be stepping down as the " mover es shaker " of this event in 2017. The
Alabama Contest Group will be assuming the responsibilities of the AQP
in an attempt to duplicate Jim's efforts of the past years.

Thanks again Jim...........

Tim , AB4B
Alabama Contest Group

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