[CQ-Contest] RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Fri Oct 7 12:30:28 EDT 2016

Winning a contest typically involves working more causal operators than
the competition. Deleting valid QSOs would certainly discourage serious

John KK9A

To:	cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject:	Re: [CQ-Contest] RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power
From:	Richard F DiDonna NN3W <richnn3w at gmail.com>
Date:	Fri, 7 Oct 2016 00:16:52 -0400

I lost quite a few QSOs. For a number of years, the Russia DX was the same
weekend as the Virginia QSO party. In the FCC database, my callsign was
listed as being a Virginia address. For many logging programs, I would pop
up as being a Virginia QSO party multiplier and casual ops who were
focusing their efforts on the Virginia QSO party would work me for a QSO.
There, I lost points, which is absolutely stupid IMHO.

Casual ops are the bread and butter of DX contest stations and
discouraging them doesn't send a very good message.

73 Rich NN3W

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