[CQ-Contest] RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power

brian coyne g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 7 18:13:58 EDT 2016

It is strange but true that the RDXC rules are silent on the matter of adjudication and how unique's and contacts with stns who do not submit logs are treated so we can only rely on experiences related here to learn what they actually do when log checking.

It is several years since I participated, after a hefty points deduction I voted with my feet out the shack door. At the time I assumed the penalties were for unique's but I didn't re-visit the log to discover what s/n those disallowed contacts had sent. I now see guys here saying they made several or more contacts but did not submit logs and their qso's did not count. If those reports are correct it is an odd and unsatisfactory way to adjudicate a contest. It has been suggested that RDXC log checking software is out of date and inadequate. Our Russian friends have brought so many technical innovations and achievements to the hobby I would not go along with that suggestion and am certain that their software is as good as any.

At first glance although perhaps not agreeing with deletion of unique's we can go along with it as every entrant is treated the same but in reality that is not how it works out. Whilst 'running'.  a G3, K3, UA3 is unlikely to attract many unique's whereas a dx stn attracts many, even semi-dx such as 5B. Non contest guys who call want band slots, annual marathon tables, qsl cards etc. Ops in distant places from Russia ostensibly allowed to work anyone and everyone, turn to S&P only to later find that they wasted their time in many cases.

I concede that this is the RDXC's event and they run it how they wish but there are so many dis-incentives and arbitrary post event decisions that we must question whether it is fit for purpose as a WRTC qualifying event. 

73 Brian 5B4AIZ / C4Z.

      From: Richard F DiDonna NN3W <richnn3w at gmail.com>
 To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
 Sent: Friday, 7 October 2016, 7:16
 Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power
I lost quite a few QSOs.  For a number of years, the Russia DX was the 
same weekend as the Virginia QSO party.  In the FCC database, my 
callsign was listed as being a Virginia address.  For many logging 
programs, I would pop up as being a Virginia QSO party multiplier and 
casual ops who were focusing their efforts on the Virginia QSO party 
would work me for a QSO.  There, I lost points, which is absolutely 
stupid IMHO.

Casual ops are the bread and butter of DX contest stations and 
discouraging them doesn't send a very good message.

73 Rich NN3W

On 10/6/2016 9:22 PM, Jim Stahl via CQ-Contest wrote:
> It had changed four years later. I did a couple of RDXCs for WRTC2014 qualification.  It was either 2013 or 2014 when the RDXC overlapped with an SSB Sprint. So I worked a number of guys in the Sprint, exchanging serial numbers as part of the exchange. (A few wondered how I was running up such a big number.) I lost quite a few of the Sprint QSOs in the RDXC log checking, though not all. I never followed up to see how or why the QSOs were dropped.
> 73  -  Jim  K8MR
> On Oct 6, 2016, at 5:13 PM, Steve London <n2icarrl at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is a relatively recent change in the RDXC adjudication.
>> RDXC was a major qualifying contest for WRTC-2010. Southwest New Mexico, at the bottom of the sunspot cycle, was a terrible place to try to work the Europe-centric RDXC. The only way to come up with a big score was to spend most of the daytime hours on 20 SSB, in the general class band, working many, many random, "not in the contest" folks. Of course, none of them sent in their log. In the log checking, I did not lose any QSO's working these folks. They made up over 50% of my total QSO's, and I greatly appreciate them.
>> 73,
>> Steve, N2IC
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