[CQ-Contest] RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power
Bob Kupps
n6bk at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 8 14:09:57 EDT 2016
I agree completely with Ranko - if someone has been determined to be cheating they should be summarily DQd.And I agree completely with Bob that the conduct of the RDXC is unacceptable and this contest should not be a qualifier for the WRTC.I'll certainly never participate in the RDX test again. Sorry you had to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Bob.
73 Bob HS0ZIA
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 22:42, 4O3A Signature<4o3a.ranko at gmail.com> wrote: May I ask again?
Take as fact that some LP stations are formaly reclasified to HP,
regardless if it was done fairly on unfairly by contest committee.
Should'nt those be DQed? Is reclasification formal proof of cheating?
Discussion of method for finding LP cheaters is completely diferent subject.
On 8 Oct 2016 11:17, "Bob Henderson" <bob.5b4agn at gmail.com> wrote:
> This will be my final post on this subject unless the RDXC committee
> suddenly relents; making available to scrutiny the elaborate analysis they
> claim to have carried out. I see little prospect of this given the
> complete lack of evidence any such analysis exists. It is time for me to
> move on to enjoy more productive pursuits. You might imagine, by now I
> have more than had my fill of this issue.
> Thank you once again to all who have lent support in my fruitless fight
> against this injustice. Not all notes have been entirely supportive. Some
> seem to feel I have been unfair in the limited criticism I have made on the
> behaviour of RA3AUU. On the contrary, I believe I have shown remarkable
> restraint. It has been suggested I have committed a sin by drawing
> attention to what has occurred; apparently I will have set back the fight
> against LP power cheats. Forgive me if I lack sympathy for this view.
> Should
> a setback have been suffered this will be entirely due to a corrupt system
> of adjudication which embraces the belief it is acceptable to hang a few
> innocents as an example to others who may be guilty.
> In my public discourse I set out to limit my observations to those which
> challenge the efficacy of the allegation and the lack of fairness in the
> process leading to the sanction which flowed from it. I have held back
> from expressing my view on the origins of this sorry saga. I will hold
> back no longer.
> Despite his protestations to the contrary, evidence points to the motor
> behind all of this being RA3AUU himself. At the outset he established
> himself as my sole interface to the RDXC committee. All contact would be
> via him as the English speaker. Until the final note from UA1AAF no other
> members of the committee have been identified. RA3AUU is also the owner of
> P33W; the only station with which comparative RBN data has been
> presented. Most
> likely the actions taken stem from an emotionally charged belief my LP
> score was too close for comfort to the HP score of LZ2HM who operated P33W.
> A review of my archive of communications with RA3AUU reveals him to have
> acted in a disingenuous fashion with twists, turns and cartwheels
> characterising his dialogue from 11th August onward. Why might this be if
> the process was being handled with honesty?
> Despite protestations to the contrary, evidence firmly points to the
> motivation behind this attack having originated in the P33W shack. While
> the source of this motivation is clear the nature of it is less so. The
> most charitable of the possibilities I have entertained is that RA3AUU and
> his protégé LZ2HM reacted emotionally to the gap between my LP score and
> the HP score of P33W. Likely it wasn’t long before they became convinced
> the only possible explanation had to be I had cheated. LZ2HM is highly
> confident in his own talents and RA3AUU enormously proud of his P33W
> station; what other reason could there be? Under the guise of objective
> analysis a search for evidence supporting the flawed contention will have
> followed. Once collected, all that remained was to persuade other members
> of RDXC committee and retribution could swiftly follow.
> In more recent communication I sense signs of regret in RA3AUU that he
> chose to travel this road but all too late. Having bulldozed the committee
> into accepting his “analysis” there would be no way back without
> unacceptable loss of face. The die was firmly cast well before the door to
> communication with me was opened.
> My conclusions:
> - RA3AUU’s clear conflict of interest should have entirely precluded his
> involvement in this process, if indeed there would have been a process
> without his direct involvement.
> - Aspects of RDXC adjudication have given rise to concern among
> participants over several years. The manner in which my case has been
> conducted highlights a huge deficit in the integrity of the adjudication
> process. I hope the RDXC committee will learn from it.
> - RDXC is a WRTC 2018 qualifying event. It is to be hoped members of
> the sanctioning committee will consider this matter serious enough to
> justify their own investigation.
> - Perhaps a code of conduct governing adjudication of international
> contests is required. With establishment of a standard governing the
> reasonable determination cheating has taken place and the application of
> appropriate sanction, ill-considered and partisan adjudication might
> then
> be avoided. Contests whose adjudicators decline to subscribe, might
> also be avoided.
> This past 8 weeks have by far been the most unpleasant I have had to endure
> in the whole of my ham radio career. Nothing else comes within 100
> miles. It
> is now time for me to draw a line. My enthusiasm for contesting having
> been thoroughly drained, I will for now, better spend my time elsewhere.
> Bob, 5B4AGN
> P3F in RDXC 2016, SOAB Mix LP.
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