[CQ-Contest] Maximum allowed power. Was: RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power

DXer dxista at yahoo.ca
Tue Oct 11 20:31:04 EDT 2016

 >>>Just like the Italians claiming to be running 300 watts

And galena receivers it seems. :^)

73 de Vince, VA3VF

I have a hard time believing that those stations in Cyprus are running 
only 400
watts. Just like the Italians claiming to be running 300 watts and some 
of the
other European countries claiming 400 watts.

I know for a fact that if you operate from a country with power limits that
exceptions can be made if you know the right people in government. Many 
ago I operated in a country that had a lower power limit and we were 
allowed to
run a KW during a contest.


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