[CQ-Contest] Maximum allowed power. Was: RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Wed Oct 12 11:19:46 EDT 2016

Sure glad to know that there is no cheating in contesting.............

Errr to contest I guess you have to cheat.  Is this what the hobby is 
turning into?  Ignore the contest rules, Ignore your governing body 
rules just to play a game?  Everyone else does it so it must be ok?

How many people that sit on these contest committee deciding the fate of 
all the entrants are aware of these violations yet do and say nothing?

On 10/12/2016 12:42 AM, Bob Kupps via CQ-Contest wrote:
> The power limit in Thailand is 200 watts. I can assure you that NO ONE in this country competing in the HP category in any contest has EVER limited themselves to that level. And I personally have no problem with that because we are competing fairly with each other and within the contest HP limit. The one rule of some contests (not the CQ WW I am happy to see) I could break with a clean conscience. And I suspect most HP contesters practice this way too....but the replies will no doubt be interesting!73 Bob HS0ZIA
>        From: DXer via CQ-Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
>   To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>   Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 7:31 AM
>   Subject: [CQ-Contest] Maximum allowed power. Was: RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power
>   >>>Just like the Italians claiming to be running 300 watts
> And galena receivers it seems. :^)
> 73 de Vince, VA3VF
> ===========================================
> I have a hard time believing that those stations in Cyprus are running
> only 400
> watts. Just like the Italians claiming to be running 300 watts and some
> of the
> other European countries claiming 400 watts.
> I know for a fact that if you operate from a country with power limits that
> exceptions can be made if you know the right people in government. Many
> years
> ago I operated in a country that had a lower power limit and we were
> allowed to
> run a KW during a contest.
> Jeff
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