[CQ-Contest] SAC SSB 2016 - Log submission

SM5AJV sm5ajv at qrq.se
Fri Oct 14 04:16:50 EDT 2016

There are still a few days left until the log submission deadline for
SAC SSB 2016 is due.

Deadline is on the 16th of October 23:59 UTC.

We are still missing 100+ logs from participants who have worked 50 or
more QSO's.

Please take the opportunity to submit your log already today. Go

If you have already submitted your log, directly to the Robot or by
email, please check that your category is the right one. You can find
category in the Received Logs listing

If you have any trouble with your log submission or any questions you
are welcome to email us: support at sactest.net

73 and Thanks!

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