[CQ-Contest] California QSO Party - Log Submission Deadline Monday, 10/17 @ 2359 UTC

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 11:50:20 EDT 2016

Friendly reminder:  Please submit your CQP 2016 log before 2359 UTC this Monday, 10/17.

Log submission form (best method):	http://robot.cqp.org/cqp/logsubmit-form.html

Email option:  http://www.cqp.org/logsubmit-email.html

If you have a paper log, you can first convert it to a Cabrillo file using this form:  

Make sure you’re log is on the server:  http://robot.cqp.org/cqp/server/received.fcgi

Best of luck!

John, K6MM
CQP Chair

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