[CQ-Contest] SA Sprint Starts in a few minutes!

Martin LU5DX lu5dx at lucg.com.ar
Sat Oct 22 15:37:24 EDT 2016

Hi Contesters,

The 2nd edition of the SA Sprint will start in a few minutes. 21 to 24 
UTC on 20 and 40 mts (SSB/CW).


HPE to CU on the bands!

The following logging software have been updated to reflect these changes:

EI5DI Super Duper: Starting with version: 18.40 (free of charge to use 
in the SA Sprint)

DXLog.Net: Starting with version: 2.3.9 (free of charge to use in the SA 

N1MM+ starting with version: 1.0.5931

It will be a great opportunity to test your stations prior to the 
biggest event of the year: CQ WW DX SSB!

Additional information available at:


Upload your logs at: https://www.sa-sprint.com/submit-log/

Questions to: questions at sa-sprint.com or info at sa-sprint.com

We hope to find many of you on the bands during the SA Sprint!

73 to all,

Martin LU5DX

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