[CQ-Contest] K4BAI Story in Local Paper

Dick Stepanian dickw6tk at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 10:15:47 EDT 2016

   Thanks for sharing the article.  I don't know John personally but we did
shake hands one day several years ago at Dayton - recognizing one anothers
calls from various contests.  Truly a gentleman on the air as well...often
a did-dit or "Hi Dick" during a contest.  Great to hear and read of the
respect and honor given to him by his community - where people see him
regularly and have opportunity to rub elbows with him.  Character and
integrity - great virtues - glad he represents us well.

   Well done John!!

Dick - W6TK
(left coast contester and dxer)

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 8:02 PM, Jeff Clarke <ku8ejeff at mediacombb.net>

> I hope John doesn't mind me sharing this with his many ham radio
> contesting friends.
> http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/local/news-columns-
> blogs/chuck-williams/article109883982.html
> I've known John since our family moved to Columbus, Ga in 2002. He was
> very welcoming to us when we moved here knowing no one. In the years we
> have lived here we have become best friends. I always enjoyed our regular
> Wednesday lunches to talk contesting. We have enjoyed many fun things
> together such as our QSO Party adventures, our yearly PJ4A trip and WRTC in
> 2006.
> I'm blessed to have met a real gentleman in contesting and to have him as
> a friend.
> Jeff, KU8E
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Droid
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