[CQ-Contest] CQ-Contest Digest, Vol 166, Issue 53

Pierre Fogal pierre.fogal at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 18:13:04 EDT 2016

Congratulations VY1AAA!  I know a little bit about how difficult it is to
keep antennas in the air in those conditions and hopefully one day VY0ERC
will be as well equipped.

We (VE1RUS, VE3KTB) will be on the air for CQWW SSB giving out zone 2 from
the very far frozen north, on NA-008, smack -dab in the middle of the
auroral oval!

Pierre VE3KTB

> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:04:45 -0400
> From: Gerry Hull <gerry at yccc.org>
> To: CQ-Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] VY1AAA for SS CW and CQWW SSB
> Message-ID:
>         <CABPfG-67Rp=YwPYvbNkj2Zaq=e-C2Wd7VhnFhtPCfRNG2g3QDg at mail.
> gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hey fellow Contesters,
> It may be a good year for a sweep in SS CW this year.  After a ton of
> delays and hard work by J, VY1JA, there is now a 4L Quad at 70 feet for
> 20-6 meters.  This past weekend, while not in a contest, I put about 1200
> QSOs in the log...all 20 meters, mostly Europe and Asia.   We finally got
> some new Gigavac relays for the Alpha 9500, and it seems to be perking
> nicely.  Sigs into the Northest US were reported at 20/9.    Let's pray the
> aurora holds off.
> J has completed one element of phased 40m ground planes.  That will at
> least be available, and hopefully two elements.  If the weather holds this
> weekend, one of two V beams will be put up...So hopefully we will have a
> big sig on.
> Though I'll be at another M/S in New England, I'll have the remote setup
> with me, and we are going to put some effort into putting the station on
> for CQWW SSB to give out the Zone 1 mult.
> CU in SS if not before!
> 73,
> Gerry, W1VE / VE1RM
> for the VY1AAA team
> ------------------------------

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