[CQ-Contest] [NCCC-blue] (was) NS for Friday, October 28- 0230-0300Z (now) macro/log

Michael Zolno luv.myipad3 at me.com
Tue Oct 25 21:13:37 EDT 2016

Thank you Hank!

Yes. I was working dupes last week on CW as I thought dupes were OK. John K4BAI answered my questions and related only dupes on RTTY, unless stated beforehand. I will write this down as I do not want to forget which log is for which. Thank you for the macros! Very much appreciated Sir.

All my best to everyone whom has sent email or advice and tips, macros, etc! Thank you, I truly appreciate the assist.

All my very best,

Mike WH6YH

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 25, 2016, at 6:42 PM, Hank Garretson <w6sx at arrl.net> wrote:
> This should help get you going.
> N1MM, File, New Contest, Log Type SPRINTNS.
> My Function Key .mc file is attached. Modify it to suit your personals and taste. If it doesn't get through the reflector, let me know and I will send it directly to you.
> NS Exuberantly,
> Hank, W6SX

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