[CQ-Contest] New Contesting Classification

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Tue Sep 13 11:02:08 EDT 2016

Ah, Paul... You like to use only selective facts, my friend.

The internet is connected to a radio.  You like to leave that out.  Without
the ionosphere, the communication would not happen.

BOOM!  blows your factual discussion right out of the water.  Inconvenient
fact, huh?

73, Gerry W1VE

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:

> Hi Gerry,
> This is quoted from an article by David Hare - The Guardian 3 September
> 2016
>  "In an internet age it is, at first glance, democratic to say that
>  everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That is surely true. It
>  is however a fatal step to then claim that all opinions are equal.
>  Some opinions are backed by fact. Others are not. And those that
>  are not backed by fact are worth considerably less than those that are."
>  "There are some subjects about which two points of view are not
>  equally valid. We are entering, in politics especially, a post-
>  factual era in which it is apparently permissible for public
>  figures to assert things without evidence, and then to justify
>  their assertions by adding "Well, that's my opinion" - as though
>  that in itself was some kind of justification. It isn't. And such
>  charlatans need to learn it isn't."
> I expect you agree with those two paragraphs above.  If not,
> there's nothing more to be said.
> If you do agree, then please consider these facts.
> 1.  Remote operators are at all times communicating over the
>     internet.
> 2.  Without the internet, there would be no communications
>     whatsoever with other operators who are not on the
>     internet.
> If you disagree with either or both, then please say why.
> If you can't or won't say why, then there's nothing more
> to be said.
> If you do agree with them, please explain why remote
> operation should not be described as hybrid communications.
> Your friends N6TR, K7JR, W7RN,W4AAW, KL9A, NK7U, SK3W, SM2O,
> PY2SEX, 9K2IC, AA3B, VE4EA, K9YC, K9CT, WA6HHQ may be able
> to help with your answers.
> If I don't hear from you, I will assume it's because you,
> or they, have nothing to say :-)
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI

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