[CQ-Contest] AREG Develops new DX Pileup Defeating Technology

Bokverket info at bokverket.com
Sun Apr 2 12:37:26 EDT 2017

I must say that it was really an impressive bunch of advanced ham 
communication techniques coming together in this remarkable development 
effort. My heartfelt congrats, you people of almost the antipode from 
Sweden!  I especially admired your inclusion of the RBN while focusing on 
SSB signals.

Just one was missing out: The earth geothermal vibration slow-mode effect 
(EGVSME-73-88), which is especially useful for opening a clear virtual 
tunnel through the earth from VK to Europe and vice versa (think of all 
those Eu mults that you sorely need). Do bring that in, and keep the whole 
ham community posted on all future developments!


Stockholm, Sweden 

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