[CQ-Contest] GA QSO Party This Weekend - April 8 and 9.

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Tue Apr 4 14:53:34 EDT 2017

Hello hams:

This message is to remind you of and invite you to participate in the 
annual Georgia QSO Party, which this year is the weekend of April 9 and 
10, 2017.  Times are 1800Z Sat to 0359Z Sun (2PM to midnight EDT Sat) 
and 1400Z until 2359Z Sunday (10AM until 8 PM EDT).  Ten hours of fun 
working into or from the state with the second highest number of 
counties (159).  Multipliers count per mode (CW/Dig and Phone).  The 
exchange is RS(T) + State, Province, GA county or "DX."

Traditionally we have had a lot of mobiles QRV in the contest quickly 
going from one small county to another.  This can be a lot of fun and 
you can probably confirm any GA counties you may be missing.

There are awards (certificates and plaques).  There is also an aggregate 
club score competition.

Jeff, KU8E, and I are planning to be among the mobiles to be QRV and we 
will be using the South East Contest Club club call, W4AN/M.  We plan to 
do the same thing in the Florida QSO Party the last weekend in the month.

Please join in the GQP fun this weekend to the extent you have time 
available.  Please accept this as an invitation to try work all GA 
stations in the GQP, on both modes and all contest bands.

Rules can be found at http://www.georgiaqsoparty.org.  That page also 
has a link to the official four letter abbreviations for the counties 
(of course, LEE has only three letters) and a map of the activity that 
has been promised so far from GA.  Suggested frequencies are:  CW: 1815, 
3545, 7045, 14045, 21045, 28045, 50095.  SSB:  1865, 3810, 7190, 14250, 
21300, 28450, 50135.  RTTY, use the usual US domestic RTTY frequencies. 
  There is no major RTTY contest scheduled for this weekend.

73, John, K4BAI

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