[CQ-Contest] Logging Software Automation For Antenna Rotators

Ken K6MR k6mr at outlook.com
Thu Apr 6 18:38:45 EDT 2017

Yes, but…
Rather than fiddle with rotator controls, pressing buttons, watching the display, etc., It’s way easier to type a heading into the log line, press enter, and let the rotator go there.  As an added bonus, you can put the rotator control boxes in the closet and just show the displays on screen. This is especially true when you have many rotators: I’d have run out of desk space long ago  :^)

Ken K6MR

From: Jim Brown<mailto:k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 3:31 PM
To: cq-contest<mailto:cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Logging Software Automation For Antenna Rotators

While the innovative work of those writing logging software and building
automation hardware to help us push the limits, one feature I purposely
do NOT use is automation of antenna rotators. Why not? Simple -- If I'm
running and I hear a station calling me, it's obvious that we both hear
each other. While running to the east coast or to JA, I often hear
callers off the back of my antenna. The only times I'm going to turn the
antenna (or switch to a different one that hears that caller better) is
if I'm having trouble copying him, or if I decide I want to to run in a
different direction.

73, Jim K9YC

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