[CQ-Contest] New Mexico QSO Party Saturday, 8 Apr

Bill Mader billamader at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 12:49:38 EDT 2017

Like my friend John, K4BAI, we'll celebrate our home State's event Saturday.
You can find the details at http://www.newmexicoqsoparty.org/wp/.  It
appears we'll have all 33 counties (big counties) activated.  You'll find
many of us mobiles spotted at W6RK.com and other clusters.  There is not a
lot of competition so you might win a certificate, but also work some rare
counties like Harding (no hams, none, zero).  I'll have K3#1 on the laptop
desk next to me, thankful for the CW and SSB memories!

Good luck in the contest!  73, Bill, K8TE

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