[CQ-Contest] W5WMU SK

Tree tree at kkn.net
Fri Apr 7 15:30:47 EDT 2017

It is with great sadness to learn this morning about the passing of Pat,

My first interactions with Pat took place back in the early 1980s when he
became a regular customer of my duping service.  Pat's logs were meticulous
and I always enjoyed entering his data.

In 1995, Pat called and asked me to come operate the CW Sweepstakes.  I
remember him telling me that he had several brothers who had passed away at
his current age from heart attacks.  Pat was always very hospitable during
my SS operations.

Some pictures of his station in Louisiana taken during a couple of the SS
CW efforts:


Pat was a medical doctor - and told people that if you needed to get a hold
of him during working hours - to assume the name "Doctor DX" and he would
take the call.

RIP Pat.

Tree N6TR

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