[CQ-Contest] CQWW LCR's and log scrubbing

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sun Apr 9 17:56:29 EDT 2017

A couple of the locals (and many of you, I am sure) found that we are not in
the logs of a couple big-ish M/S's and M-2 Caribbean stations logs for the
latest CQWW SSB 2016

Both of us are very very careful with mults and have very low LCR % errors.
(0.4% NIL's) (14 calls out of 3112 QSO's)


At first I thought maybe they just fat fingered our callsigns, but it was
too much of a coincidence so we went digging.


We saw the open (public) logs and see some big gaps (where our QSO's should
be at) and 'surmise' their logs have been scrubbed of common, non-mult
contacts to meet the 10minute and only work mults QSO rules for M-S & M-2


Should THIS really be allowed?  If I work someone in good faith, I certainly
don't expect to be scrubbed from their log because they were cheating.


I've seen it all now.. Do I have to say "59 - 5, please don't scrub me from
your log" ;-) <tic>


Now *I* am paying because others are cheating.


Mike VE9AA



Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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