[CQ-Contest] Same-Band "Dueling CQs" Now Prohibited in All ARRL Contests

Ed Sawyer sawyered at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 10 12:39:08 EDT 2017


DJ7WW - stated - "That is OK as long you stay above 7200kHz with your

Other wise there is no need for "split".

Europe can?t work you there simplex."


Actually its VERY common on 160, 80, and 40 in CQ WW and ARRL DX and even
WPX to hear someone listening on their run frequency and a separate
frequency and not be on a segregated band segment.  If you have EVER heard
an EU station listening split on 80M  SSB this is always the case since US
can transmit SSB all the way down to 3610.  Clearly that is happening all
the time during common darkness in the major contests.


The difference with split is it doesn't actually consume double bandwidth
unless it's a BIG pileup on a very rare mult.  I think that half the time I
run split, an EU station hears where I am listening and figures it must be
clear and fires up a CQ.  Forcing me to find a new listening frequency.


If you are dual CQing, you are clearly using 2 frequencies.




Ed  N1UR



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