[CQ-Contest] Disqualified callsigns - CQ WW SSB contest.

Tom Haavisto kamham69 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 10:43:12 EDT 2017

I would like to hear your thoughts on the following:

In the past, I have been operating below 14.150, knowing full well this is
not a U.S. phone allocation.  A U.S. stations calls me.  I tell him he is
out of the band.  He *insists* on a QSO.  I tell him again - "you are out
of the band".  He won't go away until I give him a report.  I do, and he
goes away.  I did not log the QSO, and a few weeks later I get a QSL card
"Thanks for the QSO".  I returned the card with a "Sorry - not in log"

I raised this issue at CTU with a number of contesters and was told "Work
'em, and move on", which is what I now do.  In looking at other folks logs,
I see they also do this as well.

A few years ago, a EU station was on 14.149 calling CQ, and I told him he
should move above 14.150 if he wanted to work U.S. stations.  He indicated
he knew he was below the (U.S.) part of the band, but above 14.150 was
full, and this was his best chance of making *any* QSO's.

What would *you* suggest?  Keeping in mind that I *can* operate below
14.150 in a phone contest.

Tom - VE3CX

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Steve London <n2icarrl at gmail.com> wrote:

> One of those DQed is a YB who made about 50 QSO's, and may not even
> understand what self-spotting is. But the worst that happens to a USA
> contester, who knowingly or carelessly works stations out-of-band, is that
> he/she loses the QSO and gets a slap on the wrist.
> That's simply a message to USA contesters that, in the future, they have
> nothing to lose (except possibly the QSO) if they work stations out-of-band.
> Steve, N2IC
> On 04/13/2017 03:50 AM, w5ov at w5ov.com wrote:
> Out of band:  Most out of band qsos were disallowed for those who were out
>> of band for the QSO in question – this was applied globally.  Often, one
>> party is legal on a frequency, another is not.  Those who operated out of
>> their band were penalized and given no credit for those qsos / mults.  No
>> one was DQed for this offense regardless of country / zone etc.  Some who
>> exhibited excessive carelessness about this matter were given formal
>> warnings.
> Along with the other absurdities, the thought that USA / VE was given any
>> favor is again completely without any merit.
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