[CQ-Contest] My need re contests to self spot

Charles Harpole hs0zcw at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 22:18:08 EDT 2017

Face facts:
1.  Few tune around like old days;  they are too busy clicking spots.
2.  Friend spots are easy to get.
3.  Self-Spotting encourages casual operators.
4.  Constant CQs, even empty CQs, are name of game, along with Multiple KW
and stacks....... or just go collect stamps... or get a spot somehow.
5.   Because self spots can be tracked, just allow one per each new hr.
sign-on.  If op never takes a break, he gets only one self spot at start.

Ok, I can enjoy contests just as they are, but would welcome a self-spot
category.       73, Charly

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:03 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote:

> Christian what you have written already happens.
> The clusters are nearly all internet based, so does it really matter if
> the self spotting is done via a cluster, a web page, Facebook, or any of
> the programs available today?
> If you want to be competitive today you will make sure that you have a
> skimmer that reports to the RBN very close to your station so that you are
> constantly spotted.  Being spotted is important.
> Is it right or wrong?  That is up to the various contest committees to
> determine.
> W0MU
> On 4/13/2017 1:13 AM, Christian Schneider wrote:
>> If this is the reality of seemingly too many ops being unable to find a
>> station without someone putting a spot on the net, then we will have more
>> and more cries to allow selfspotting (for the sake of activity, for being
>> equal with CW where RBN spots each CQ etc....).
>> Done consequently and driven by convenience it will not be restricted to
>> all forms of "cluster" but unevitably will then also use web based social
>> media of all kinds. Thus we will have CQing on twitter and Facebook, too -
>> and every big multi-op station will need at least one social media guy to
>> optimize CQing there. You can do and gain an awful lot there: A FB post
>> with an attracting picture of ops and "now on 21250 beaming XYZ" (in
>> necessary languages for target region plus tagging, plus seeding posts on
>> relevant sites there etc.) placed at the right time will of course give an
>> advantage over a competitor not doing it.
>> Not judging, only describing what web addiction is about to bring.
>> Convenience rules on and on and beats the fun of challenges. Wasn't RBN
>> initially NOT planned to deliver spots into the cluster system? It was not
>> realistic to expect that. It may not be realistic to expect that ever
>> expanding contest rules will really define and restrict which kinds of web
>> based spotting will be allowed. Sooner or later we then will discuss
>> whether banning Facebook CQs is as "oldfashioned" as now banning selfspots.
>> 73, Chris DL8MBS
>> Am 13.04.2017 um 02:14 schrieb Charles Harpole:
>>> Here is my situation that may be true for many ops.
>>> I now have limited stamina and prop.  When I do operate, I want some
>>> action--that means my taste is for rapid running.  However, I live off
>>> the
>>> population centers and nevertheless need to be heard by lots ops and
>>> quickly in my short op time.
>>> Actual typical example...I begin at start of the TWO HOUR window I have
>>> NA
>>> or EU.  I work a couple S&P who say I am vy loud, so I call CQ.  Nothing.
>>> The two hours are slipping by.  I spot myself once.  A flood of callers
>>> result and running fun.  My two hours give me 75-120 QSOs.
>>> No spot gives about 25 QSOs.
>>> The contest gives me 4 two-hour openings if lucky.  ​Given my tastes, not
>>> spotting myself means no fun.
>>> So, I self spot couple times or less.  I enjoy the contest.  I can not
>>> enter due to spotting.  These are my facts.  Deal with it.  I do.  73,
>>> Charly, HS0ZCW
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Charly, HS0ZCW

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