[CQ-Contest] Georgia QSO Party Logs Received

Jeff Clarke gqpadmin at ku8e.com
Sat Apr 15 17:58:40 EDT 2017

Sorry everyone but had an emergency on Tuesday and just got caught up on 
the GQP log received page. If you check 
http://www.ku8e.com/GQP/gqplogsrcv.php your call should be listed if you 
had submitted a log. If you sent in a log and it isn't please email me.

Also if you are using the N3FJP logging program please change the line 
for the contest to : CONTEST: GA-QSO-PARTY

If you cut and paste something else (like CONTEST: GAQP that N3FLP is 
generating) in the text area of the Log Submission page it will not 
accept your log.

Jeff ,KU8E             Georgia QSO Party Contest Director

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