[CQ-Contest] Thoughts on DQs in CQWW.

DXer hfdxmonitor at gmail.com
Sun Apr 16 13:06:58 EDT 2017

Hi Stan,

 >>>This self spotting issue on SSB is much ado about nothing, in my 

I've been thinking the same thing, but since I'm admittedly not 
experienced enough in power contesting, I was on the sidelines.

I can see the difference in claiming non-assisted operation when 
operating assisted, but what is the problem with spotting, either self 
or others? Is this really a big factor in the final results?

All I can think of are spots scrolling faster on the screen, if 
everybody starts doing it. The upside is that clusters will become a 
nuisance, and maybe we'll go back to good old spinning the dials.

 >>>The other thing I think is ridiculous is the notion that cheating is 
 >>>so rampant. There has only been one time in the last forty years 
 >>>that it gave me concern that I was affected.

I agree...it may be a factor for the top competitors, but is it really a 
concern/show stopper for the vast majority? We have to be careful about 
how we keep referring to all this cheating going on. It may reach a 
point where the average contestant will feel like he's 'socializing' 
with the wrong crowd, and simply give up contesting.

 >>>73... Stan, K5GO

73 de Vince, VA3VF

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