[CQ-Contest] Some Observations

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 21:07:50 EDT 2017

Here is what the rules say, cut and pasted from the actual CQWW contest

"Any single operator entrant (see V.A.1) competing for a top three finish
at the (a) World, (b) Continent, or (c) USA levels, must record the
transmitted and received audio as heard by the operator for the duration of
the contest operation. The recording must be in a common format (e.g., mp3)
and should include the audio to each ear as a separate channel. The
recording may be requested by the Committee within 90 days after the log
deadline to help adjudicate the log. The recording files must be provided
by the entrant within 5 days of the request. If no recording is made
available, the Committee may reclassify or disqualify the entry."

It says that it MUST be recorded, not only recorded if I intend to cheat,
or don't cheat and the recording won't be asked for.  So if I do nothing
wrong, and don't cheat, but for some reason the contest committee wants my
recording (like I was spotted a few times) and I don't have one, I am DQ.

73 John AF5CC

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:

> VK4TS:
> ".Check the ALL TIME records for AFRICA, OCEANIA, SOUTH AMERICA and ASIA -
> there
> are several classes of NO LOGS - never an entrant in the category - In
> Oceania
> there is an All-time record with 2 points !!!
> The people who decide to have a bit of fun to put their name in lights and
> make
> 10 QSOs just to get the PDF are now being asked to record the entire 48
> hour
> contest ?  Who would bother? To record 47 hours of band noise?
> ."
> No Trent.  What you fail (and to be fair, many others fail as well) to
> realize and what Bob, W5OV has said over and over is:
> (paraphrasing) '.Don't cheat and you won't get asked for recordings...'
> Really - I don't know how much simpler it could be.  C'mon guys.  Seriously
> !
> Regards,
> . . Mike VE9AA NB  (9-land in Canada ! Yes, it's really a place)
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
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