[CQ-Contest] Spot Filters

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 09:48:44 EDT 2017

OH6LI suggests:
> -we want to know where the 3 point QSO is (missing currently)

In WPX there's a huge point advantage to working the DX on low bands
instead of working locals on high bands. It's a factor of six. But right
now N1MM doesn't even tell me points per hour it just tells me Q's per

But what hours to be on (only 30 hours count in WPX) and what bands to be
on when, is more of a strategic operating schedule decision, than it is a
tactical which-spot-to-work next decision.

I think it's too much to expect the logger to decide strategic decisions
like off times based on spot-filters.

I think there is value to look at the decisions made by past years winners
in similar conditions and figure out why they chose their strategic plans
the way they did. Was that their exact plan going in, or did they change it
on the fly? Did they run out of their 30 hours while there were still 6
pointers to make on 40M? etc. The public CQ contest logs are great for
these sorts of analysis.

Tim N3QE

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