[CQ-Contest] TTY Reperf paper tape

WB2RHM - Ben Antanaitis WB2RHM at ez-pnf.com
Tue Aug 29 15:17:48 EDT 2017


FYI......   I have two sealed boxes of 10 rolls each 1" Oiled Yellow 
TTY Reperf tape, and 10 Rolls, sealed in a plastic baggy bag stacked 
on a hard cardboard core just like the boxed ones..... total of 30 
rolls.    I would not want to break up the sealed boxes, but would 
send out the 'loose' ones............   Only charge... You pay the 
UPS or USPS charge from 28212.......   Tears, on parting with them, 
but it could save a marriage ;):)  Esp, with no mdl 19 or 28 anymore.... ;)

Will check the attic for boxes of rolls of yellow printing paper....



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