[CQ-Contest] Contesting in 10 Years - SUMMARY!!

Jeff Draughn n0ost99 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 12:14:06 EST 2017

Thanks for posting!
I missed the original post, this is very interesting  stuff.

73, Jeff

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 4:00 PM Tonno Vahk <tonno.vahk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, 10 years has passed, it is February 2017 and I have to fulfil my
> promise of bringing those survey results up here again!
> You can see the post from February 2007 below summarizing opinions
> collected
> then about Contesting 10 years ahead. The whole document is still on:
> http://www.lhv.ee/images/files/2017.pdf
> You are all free to see how much of it came true. Not so much has changed
> in
> reality as we were perhaps thinking or hoping 10 years ago. Time has really
> gone fast.
> - SDR's have become wide-spread but certainly not run by most of us yet.
> Regular user interfaces are still in demand as well.
> - I think CW skimmer was created shortly after February 2007 and all those
> predictions came true, no SSB skimmer yet though.
> - Stations for rent over internet have emerged.
> - Antennas have not really grown so much but OH8X monster 160m yagi did
> appear (RIP!).
> - Use of solid state amps has grown somewhat I think but tubes still
> dominate.
> - Me and WM5R were both right about WRTC's:) One was won by EU and the
> other
> by US team.
> - Extreme category was created in CQWW for a while. So have the log
> submission times been shortened considerably for many contests. Contest
> organizers have also taken actions against remote receivers and log
> checking
> has become more transparent.
> - Real-time scoreboards have become more wide spread but still not commonly
> adopted.
> - CW is still alive and contests are still for free!
> Anyone out there still using DOS based TR Log?:)
> See yourself what else catches your eye from the predictions made back then
> compared to where we are now.
> Let's perhaps revisit this in February 2027?
> 73
> Tonno
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tonno Vahk [mailto:tonno.vahk at mail.ee]
> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 6:31 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contesting in 10 Years - SUMMARY!!
> Wow, I would have never expected this to be so popular topic. Big thanks to
> all who helped to shape the vision including numerous direct mails. I
> consolidated all the answers and sorted them into categories with
> submitters
> call added and the full package can be found as pdf file at:
> http://www.lhv.ee/images/files/2017.pdf
> in February 2017 I will post here a follow-up and we will see who was right
> and who was wrong! (Especially WM5R about WRTC winners:)
> I made my own summary and interpretation as an article which relfects the
> general and aggregate view of the responders. I encourage everyone to use
> this summary or the full pdf file as you wish on your web sites or in
> publications. Enjoy.
> So, Welcome to 2017, Fellow Contesters!
> Most of us are running SDRs. We have TS970SDX challenging high end rigs
> from
> Yaesu and ICOM. Ten-Tec has also released a $10k+ radio. High end rigs have
> a full SO2R functionality and built in soundcard interfaces for PSK and
> RTTY. Despite the sofware-updatable functionality radios have retained user
> interfaces similar to what they were in 2007. Receiver performance is also
> much the same but tools available to the operator have continue to evolve
> rapidly.
> Software in SDRs is able to automatically populate band map, record
> contests, steer adaptable receiving antennas, switch the pattern of your
> stack. No more key clicks and filters have become sharper. DSP systems are
> enable to detect noisy CW signals not copyable by ear. New tested
> "receivers" are front-end boxes with a high-speed digital output. A PC
> processes that output stream to implement the functions we see perform in
> IF, DSP and AF stages of older radios. The new companion transmitters are a
> direct synthesis of the output RF, fed into amplifiers to get up to the
> working level.
> Some stations are partly operated by robots tuning for multipliers,
> selecting antennas. Speech recognition is used and many contests are won by
> stations using 100% recorded voice files. We see continued evolution of use
> of various sources of real-time outside information (spotting), and
> databases by logging software.  Attempts are made by contest rule-makers to
> define the acceptable limits of computer assistance to "unassisted"
> operators, particularly regarding real-time deciphering of CW and voice
> signals. Many top contesters advocate that amateur radio contesting needs a
> new rule - only the human mind may be used for real-time extraction of
> intelligence from received signals.
> Virtual DX-peditions are possible. Many rare islands are inhabited with
> equipment and antennas tied to the internet that can be rented by the hour
> or the day or by contest. Contest superstations will be for rent over
> internet. The use of Kenwood's Sky Command as well as the Yaesu and Icom
> versions have created a controversy in the contesting community as to
> whether remote operation should be a separate class or not. Contest
> Committees are having hard time regulating and preventing use of remote
> receiving locations in addition to remote transmitters.
> No-tune and auto-tune amplifiers have become much more popular and
> affordable. Some high end amplifiers have built-in LCD video displays
> capable of oscilloscope-like and spectrum-analyzer-like displays of the
> input and output waveforms.
> Antennas that contesters use have got better and bigger. The trap tribander
> has disappeared replaced by the DJ2UT and Steppir styles, but monobanders
> still rule. In the US the evergrowing issue is land development and tower
> zoning. 80m yagis are standard and first rotating 160m yagis have made
> appearance.
> Heil has developed a wireless (maybe bluetooth) headset for contesting.
> Someone has developed a phone version of MorseRunner/RUFZ. At least 10% of
> all contesters continue to use DOS-based logging programs and naturally TR
> Log is still a DOS program:)
> Contest log programs have more decision logic in them. The log program
> advices you what to do next according to your goal and current situation.
> The log program interacts with Internet in a much more extensive way than
> today. You are able to predict openings and changes in band conditions
> using
> ionospheric resources on the Internet.
> Due to the increase of the percentage of Europeans at WRTC reflecting their
> overall increase in contesting as a whole, a EU team has won the top spot
> at
> the next two WRTCs after Brazil. (Sorry WM5R, I modified your prophecy:))
> Despite the general aging trend of top notch contesters the new influx of
> "foundation" class licenses will give us many more operators, new records
> have been set in the latest sunspot peak. A single-operator has broken the
> 7000 QSO mark in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest and the 12000 QSO mark in CQWW
> phone that is still considered the most-prestigious worldwide DX contest.
> Contesting is still considered the future of Ham Radio. CW requirement has
> been almost globally dropped and CW scores are declining. RTTY/PSK
> popularity is growing.
> A few contests have instituted an "anything goes" category with respect to
> computer assistance and external data. Most contest sponsors have shortened
> submission time for logs dramatically and many are not accepting paper logs
> any more.
> To address perceived abuses in the HQ competition, the IARU HF contest has
> removed credit for "uniques" logged for all stations. Major contest
> sponsors
> have become far more transparent and public with adjudicated
> disqualifications for cheating. More contests accept corporate awards
> sponsorship.
> As a consequence of K3BU's life long crusade CQWW contest has been finally
> modernized. 7 QSO penalty has been applied for BAD QSOs as the 3 QSO
> penalty
> did not teach the sloppy operators nothing, they were still making errors.
> Also other continents were given 10 points per QSO, zero for own continent,
> so the results are more readable and clear of those heavily populated
> continents' losers.:)
> Real time sharing of scores during the contest is non-controversial and
> common. It is not mandatory but many entries from the developed countries
> use it. Initial experiments in real time log validation are underway. There
> are a few sites offering gambling odds on the top competitors before major
> contests.
> 73
> Tonno
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