[CQ-Contest] BCQP 2017 -- first Saturday in February

Rebecca Kimoto va7bec at rac.ca
Sun Jan 15 16:34:31 EST 2017

Hello everyone near and far

BCQP 2017 is just around the corner!

Key Details

Date/Time:       1600z Feb 4 to 0400z Feb 5 
UR Objective:   Stations outside BC contact as many VE7/VA7s as possible. 
Exchange:       BC stations give  RS(T) + a three-letter code representing the federal electoral district in BC 
                      Stations outside BC give RS(T) + province/state/"DX"
Rules: http://orcadxcc.org/bcqp_rules.html
FAQ: http://orcadxcc.org/bcqp_faq.html
Multipliers: http://orcadxcc.org/bcqp_districts.html
Logging Software

BCQP is fully supported by N1MM Logger+ software as well as CQ/X GPS-enabled software for mobile contesting, and QSO party software by N3FJP. Other programs have generic QSO party options, but these may not score accurately. No worries, though, we check all logs to confirm scores. Electronic logs are preferred, but paper logs are OK if the Q count is below 50. The only really crucial thing is that logs show the required information. See the rules for details. 

Tangible Rewards
Certificates: Top scores in each class of entry, in BC and outside BC, receive a beautiful photo-based certificate highlighting something scenic or special about BC. Pictures are different every year.
Special Recognition: If submitted logs are particularly numerous in any given category or results are particularly noteworthy, additional certificates are awarded, as appropriate.
Plaques: 9 sponsored categories [Top Score BC (single op), Top Score Canada outside BC, Top YL Score, Top Score USA, Most Federal Electoral Districts Worked, Top DX, Top Mixed Mode, Top Club in BC, Top Score BC (multi-op)]

1. Alternate suggested frequencies for CW 
We have alternate suggested frequencies for CW on 80M, 40M and 20M between 0000z and 0400z to mitigate some of the issues caused by NA Sprint. These frequencies are listed in the rules. It goes without saying but PLEASE BE COURTEOUS. The alternate frequencies are only suggestions. They are quite high up in the respective bands, encroaching on other mode allocations so, if necessary, move to avoid QRMing others.

2. Net approach
In 2015, a couple of BC operators got a net-style situation going on 40m and 80m SSB in the last few hours of BCQP to help operators near and far "meet up" for a Q. If conditions are right, they may try this approach again. Listen for it. You might be able to connect with some BC stations that might not necessarily be listening in your direction but with the help of the "net control", they'll turn the beam and pick you up. 

3. Bonus points 
Bonus point can make a difference. Listen for the sponsor station VA7ODX on digital, CW and SSB. 

There's lots of contest activity over the Feb 4-5 weekend, which means plenty of Q potential on phone, CW and digital. From a British Columbia perspective, participation from everyone everywhere is absolutely welcome. Even if BCQP is not your target contest of the weekend, if you hear a BC station calling "CQ BCQP", please drop by. If you are in the host state of one of the other same-day QSO parties, BC stations will be able to trade a Q with you. Participants in the 10-10 contest or even XE RTTY can also benefit from a trade.   

GL es 73,

Rebecca VA7BEC

Orca DXCC, Contest Coordinator, BCQP

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