[CQ-Contest] Accck ..Mistake CQWW 160

Andy Blank andyn2nt at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 10:27:36 EST 2017

Steve don't worry about it, the logging programs will adjust the exchange.

Thanks for operating and representing zone 1!
Hope you all are having fun,
I have a guest op here, but he fell asleep too early :)

73, Andy N2NT
Director CQ 160 Contest

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 11:32 PM, <sbloom at acsalaska.net> wrote:

> Hey all:
> First time in this contest ..just realized I've been sending the wrong
> exchange!!  AK is DX for this one.  I've been sending the serial number
> instead of the zone.  I assume most knew that ...but just in case ..
> If you were one of my Qs before 0300Z January 28th, the exchange should
> have been 599 1.
> Sorry for any problem!
> 73
> Steve KL7SB
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