[CQ-Contest] RusRTC 2017 with BulgarianRTC July 15, 07:00-14:59Z

Slava UA4HTT ua4htt at mail.ru
Mon Jul 10 15:12:00 EDT 2017

Hello everyone,
Welcome to take part contesters from around the world.
The XXVI Russian Radiosport Team Championship 2017 (RRTC) with Bulgarian Radiosport Team Championship 2017 (BRTC)
Rules for participants outside of Russian Federation
1 . Date and contest period. Saturday, July 15, 2017, starting 07:00 and ending 14:59 by UTC.
Both Single and Multi operator stations may operate the entire 8-hour period
2 . Everybody can work everybody 
3 . Modes: CW and SSB. 
4 . Bands: 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz. 
5 . Band and mode can be changed at any time. Only one signal is allowed at any time.
6 . Exchange: Outside participants send RS (RST) and ITU zone
Russian Radiosport Team Championship competitors (call-sings: R31A-R38Z) send 59(599) and three character combination, e.g. 59(9) XYZ
7 . Station with the same call-sign may be worked on different bands and modes.
8. Scoring Point System:
QSO with RRTC station (sends three character combination in exchange) – one point.
QSO with outside participant from the same ITU zone – two point.
QSO with outside participant from different ITU zone – three points.
9. Multipliers: ITU zone and new three-character combination received from an RRTC, BRTC
team – one point for the multiplier on each band (regardless of mode).
RRTC station gives no ITU zone multiplier.
10. The score is the product of total points and total multipliers.
11. Entry categories:
A – Single operator, CW, high power.
B – Single operator, CW, low power (100 W and less).
C – Single operator, SSB, high power.
D – Single operator, SSB, low power (100 W and less).
E – Single operator, mixed (CW and SSB), high power
F – Single operator, mixed (CW and SSB), low power (100 W and less).
G – Multi operator team (2 or 3 operators), mixed (CW and SSB).
12. Awards and Logs:
Certificates will be awarded to the world's top three scoring stations in every category.
Achievement commemorative certificates will be awarded to those participants who
will make at least 100 confirmed QSOs, including 30 QSOs with RRTC competitors, and
submit their logs to  http://www.ua9qcq.com  
submitted no later than 19:00 UTC, July 15, 2017 (!)
Any contest logging software can be used which supports IARU HF World
Championship. No paper logs accepted. Cabrillo log format shall be used according to IARU
HF Championship requirements. File name should be "mycall.cbr" or "mycall.log" where
"mycall" is your callsign. Please submit logs to  http://www.ua9qcq.com
73, Slava UA4HTT(UA4S)
Rules:  http://news.srr.ru/?page_id=24747  
Fan Club  http://ozchr.ru  

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