[CQ-Contest] YCCC 40th Anniversary Party

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Sat Jul 22 08:37:08 EDT 2017

We hope to see you on-the-air!

YCCC/40 Anniversary Party

Contest Event Begin: Saturday Sept 16, 0000Z
Contest Event End: Sunday, Sept 17 2359Z
QSO Party Start: Monday Sept 17 0000Z
QSO Party End: Friday Sept 22 , 2359Z

Purpose: To help celebrate the 40 th birthday of the Yankee Clipper Contest
Club on the air.
Since we are a contest club, the event will consist of a 48-hour contest
event, and a
week-long QSO Party.
Exchange: YCCC Members: Name + QTH + last 2 digits of 1 st year of YCCC
Non-YCCC: Name + QTH + SN
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6M. Stations may be worked once per each
Modes: SSB, CW, RTTY, and PSK31
Power: QRP < 5W, LP<100w, HP>100-1500w
Suggested Frequencies: CW: 40KHz from bottom of band

Phone: 40KHz from bottom of general phone band
RTTY/Digital: Follow accepted band plans

Suggested times outside the contest period: Try to peak activity at 40
minutes past each hour
Spotting, including self-spotting, is strongly encouraged for YCCC
stations. All stations may
use whatever spotting assistance they feel is warranted for a radio
contest. YCCC stations-
include a comment with your spot (YCCC/40).

Single and Multi-op. Distributed multi-ops are permissible. Multi-ops are
HP only.
Points: 1 point per QSO. 4 pts per QSO with W2PV.

Total Score: Non-YCCC: (QSO Pts) x (# of different YCCC stations worked)
YCCC: (QSO Pts) x (# of States/Provinces/Countries worked)
Mult figures are total numbers, not per band.

Contest Log Submissions: Cabrillo file to YCCC40 at yccc.org by 2359Z Sept 29.

Awards: E-certificates to all entrants. For the contest period, Plaques to
the highest scoring
non-YCCC entrant in USA/Canada and outside USA/Canada. For SOHP, MOHP, SOLP
SOQRP. E-certificates to all YCCC entrants, plaque to the highest scoring
YCCC member.

QSO Party: Same Frequencies, bands, modes

Send a Cabrillo log, or, a simple dupe sheet of the YCCC call signs worked
YCCC40Party at yccc.org no later than 2359Z Sept 29 th to receive an


Gerry W1VE

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