[CQ-Contest] ARRL Contest Changes for 2017-2018 - Sept QST p91

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Thu Jul 27 14:24:44 EDT 2017

I find it interesting that VHF/UHF contests has twice the log submission
time than HF contests. The reason given is that many these stations
operate temporary, portable and mobile.  I imagine that the majority of
these traveling VHF contesters are back home hours after the contest. 
Many HF stations also operate portable, often flying to exotic locations.
For example in this years ARRL DX Phone contest I flew to St Croix, VI
with a tribander and several dipoles. I assembled and installed the beam
along with several dipoles. After the contest I had to disassembled
everything and pack before flying home days later.

John KK9A - WP2AA

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