[CQ-Contest] America's cup Sailboat racing not what it used to be

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Jun 27 10:12:33 EDT 2017

Did anyone watch these races?  Did you notice the technology now 
required to race a sailboat?

Even sailboat racing is embracing major changes to their sport.  Why 
can't we?

They have on board computer navigation.  The course is laid out 
electronically based on the wind.

It is rumored that the New Zealand boat had a computer algorithm 
trimming the sails and keeping the boat level out of the water.  Yes 
these sail boats now "fly" over the water.

Most of the manpower on the boats is used to generate power for their 
hydraulic systems that keep the boat riding out of the water and turning 
the sails.

These boats are amazing it I really enjoyed watching the races.  New 
Zealand built a great team and a great boat.

New Zealand now gets to write the rules for the next running and they 
get to set the date and place of the race.


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