[CQ-Contest] Online scoreboards

Victor Androsov victor.androsov at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 15:12:47 EDT 2017

Hi Mats,

Thanks a lot for your great feedback!

That's a very good question regarding "expanded data". Actually we are
parcing and collecting all of them in the database. But we were not sure to
have it since some operators wouldn't like to reveal personal contest band
usage strategy. Anyway after collecting few feedbacks we've decided to have
it on the page. So that's just a question of time when you could see all
the bands breakdowns. Sure that would be possible if a client logger would
provide band breakdown data. So everybody could make a personal decision to
provide that data or not. We are also collecting score historical data. And
some analyzing tools will be added later.

The last week was the first week we've just started with a very limited
pilot project. So we are coming up with some new features on the next week:

- The  "User defined" contest option is ready. It will be activated in the
new release coming up on the next week.

- The "Private room" option is coming up on the next week as well. I guess
that would be a great options for teams doing WRTC simulation during IARU
HF. Nobody from public could see private room members real score except
invited persons.

And the last news! For incoming weekend we have prepared the following

*-  RAC Canada Day*
*-  DL-DX-RTTY Contest*
*-  Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest*
*-  Marconi Memorial HF Contest*

We have added one more logger to the supported loggers list - QARLogger. So
we support N1MM+, WinTest, WriteLog, DXLog.net, TR4W and QARLog. A few more
loggers are in the way. ))




On 29 June 2017 at 10:10, Mats Strandberg <sm6lrr at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Victor,
> First of all, thanks for sharing the information with us.
> I started working with your page during the 2nd and 3rd session of CWops
> CWT yesterday and this morning.
> My comments are just positive so far. Very easy to hook up to my DXLog
> program, and I understand that other major contest softwares are supporting
> the page as well - or the other way around.
> You helped me very quickly with some issues I had with Marconi Memorial
> Contest. Excellent quick reaction. I sent some info about your site to our
> Swedish contest FB page, and several became interested. One guy wanted to
> also sign up for the Marconi Contest, and he had some issues at first, but
> I asked him to contact you. Now he is prepared also. Maybe he solved it
> himself.
> I have many positive feelings about your project. I also do not like any
> black list of any contester. We are an international family and I see no
> reason why anyone should be banned from such a neutral page like an online
> contest real score site.
> However, one thing I am missing from "the other site" is that you can get
> expanded data if logged in. That means that you can compare your band
> results with other logged in stations. Very interesting and also
> encouraging to compare and realize where you "might have to put more
> effort".  Are you planning to add that to your site as well? It would be
> really useful.
> Or - are you maybe considering the band information "assistance" to people
> who are unassisted, and in this way against the rules of some contests? I
> mean, if you keep good track of your competitors and then realize that they
> have a good run ion 10 meters, and after that you decide to QSY yourself to
> that band. Although not really helping someone, this might be considered a
> little doubtful?  On the other hand, modern radios with waterfalls can do
> the same very easily, without getting the help to gather calls, but only
> see the activity quickly on a band.
> What are your thoughts about this?
> Anyway, I will use the site for Marconi Memorial and anyone else on this
> list planning to work MMC, please do the same. Online scoring is fun and
> this site is a good initiative it seems to me!
> 73 de Mats RM2D
> 2017-06-25 4:58 GMT+03:00 Victor Androsov <victor.androsov at gmail.com>:
>> Hi guys,
>> We just started a new alternative project (COSB Contest Online Score
>> Board): https://contestonlinescore.com/.
>> The main point is designing an open HAM community trusted server with the
>> following policies:
>> - There are no blacklists like some other projects
>> - It's an  international team driving project with a code shared between
>> team members.
>> - We wish to keep on constant working with HAM community. Means adding,
>> removing new features in accordance with a HAM community feedback.
>> - We;d like this server to serve not only the major contests but a lot of
>> small local communities' events as well. The goal is to cover almost all
>> the contests as much as possible.
>> Technical features:
>> - Today we support Win-Test, N1MM+, Writelog and DXlog.net loggers. We are
>> going to extend this list shortly.
>> - Our board is serving multiple contests simultaneously ( for example AA
>> DX
>> CW Contest, Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY Contest,Stew Perry Topband Challenge
>> and some other contests in the same time). The same call could be used for
>> different contest scores in the same day.
>> - It's a high security server. All the client server communications are
>> going over SSL. We have implemented McAfee security scanner on the server.
>> All the passwords are stored by using strong one-way hashing algorithm.
>> - Simple as possible online score result table with an optimized minimal
>> number of tools
>> - User defined contests. Every user could create a new contest and to
>> invite friends to join to a kind of "small village" mini contest. (** This
>> feature is planned for the Phase 2)
>> - The "petite chambres" (or private rooms) option. Imagine if some local
>> club guys want to run a team competition and they wish to limit access to
>> their scores only for some group members requiring a PIN code. (** This
>> feature is planned for the Phase 2).
>> Please join the project. It's fully functional. And we need your feedback.
>> Any comments are welcome.
>> 73!
>> Victor
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