[CQ-Contest] Multi 2

Wes Jennings wjennings2011 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 10 14:05:45 EST 2017

Ok I am seeing again the whole remove and make new contest classes. Why do we continually complain about how xyz has this or that advantage and they always win. Guess what Improve what you have and compete and quit worrying about how they have advantages.

At the present time I am setting up multi 2 at the house why, because the GF likes to operate in the contests as do I, so radio time is the important thing. Also have others in the station to operate during the bigger contests. Now doing this means I will be running 100W as off grid and antenna systems are not designed for 1K. Will I be competitive NO just for that reason not to mention that I am also in Alaska.

This means I am working on antennas and trying to get every contact out of the 100w. Interfaces/Radios/Antenna systems are things we all can improve upon even the Big Guns. Operating time and learning how to use all of this effectively is very important also. Lets get on this track of thinking instead of I am a victim track.

The Big Guns have alot of information to share, I am sure they would be more then willing to share it. But I can see where they would not wish to share it here with all the bickering and complaining. The issues I have here is not receive, unlike alot of places but rather getting more gain out of the transmit signal. Or novel idea is possibly getting better receive in other locations so weak signals can be heard.

Why is it that if I hit the RBN or am spotted I will 8-10, be worked by the big stations back east almost instantaneous. This is because they can hear me and are willing to work thru the exchange. Points and mults are one thing, that is the operators responsibility and of course the antennas but alot of it is watching and operating the station to its max capabilities. We all could use suggestions on how to do such from our locations and stations. And I am not just talking about the Big Guns ...

I am totally revamping the antenna farm here to incorporate running multi2, also the station. So many options and ideas; what ones will produce the best and what ones can I afford to do. How can I make the station More FUN for new hams to make mistakes operating and learn. How do I get more Q's in the log to show people that YES you can get on from up here with 100W and WAS in a weekend or DXCC in a weekend and no the bands are not DEAD but just open to other places. Basically get more on the air which means more q's in the contests.

if you don't like the contest categories because you can't win in them, try working with others in you area and state and do the contest but have your own categories that your group will be able to compete and measure themselves against.

Lets just keep in mind this is a hobby to have fun with and learn and grow!!!!



Contest Station


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