[CQ-Contest] CQ-Contest Digest, Vol 171, Issue 53

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 12:21:45 EDT 2017

Not advocating for or against...

 > 2.1. Single Operator: One person performs all transmitting, 
receiving, and logging functions as well as equipment and antenna 

Like all contest rules, it only applies *during* the contest, so during 
the summer you can have W8ZR build you a new amp, bring in N6LF to tweak 
your antennas, use the entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir as your ground 
crew, and still be a fully-legit Single Op in the fall.

I don't know or recall the precise origins of the addition but I believe 
it was created in response to a few "Single-Op-plus-Pit-Crew" operations.

73, Ward N0AX

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