[CQ-Contest] Other ARRL rules that need to be fixed

Ed Sawyer sawyered at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 15 15:24:42 EDT 2017

This is an interesting observation.  It would seem to state that ANY remote
operation that required an on site intervention to make work during the
contest would require a change in category to multi-op in ARRL right now.


I have to say that personally, I think that this rule should not only stay,
but be added to the CQ contests.  We have all had an antenna, feedline,
rotor, radio go south on us mid-contest.  Having a stand by crew to fix it
is certainly a different world than solo contesting.


Ed  N1UR


K3ZJ stated:

Bob, your interpretation of the ARRL rule is far beyond its bounds.  Fairly

read and in context, it refers to non-operating help with the station

DURING the contest.


To me, this rule is addressing the situation described, for example, by the

operator of the top claimed SOAB score described on 3830scores in this

year's ARRL CW contest   Amplifier died and 40M antenna rotation failed.

Another person fixed these issues during the contest, while the single

operator continued operating.  The issue raised in whether this should be

SOAB -- with another directly assisting at the station with normal but

non-operating issues -- or should this be SOAB unlimited or single

transmitter multi-op?


I have no strong opinion right now, but it is a legitimate issue for

discussion.  Thanks for bringing this rule to our attention, I had not

enoticed it, maybe because it doesn't affect me in any fashion. During

contests I am completely alone and even have to microwave my own meals and

brew my own coffee as well as fix any station issues.  (But I think the

luxury of having someone bring coffee and meals should not change one's

contest category.)


73, Dave K3ZJ


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