[CQ-Contest] QSY

Pete Smith N4ZR n4zr at comcast.net
Mon Mar 20 17:43:46 EDT 2017

It's worth remembering that this discussion started out with the premise 
that stations CQing on two different frequencies in the same band 
represented a wasteful use of spectrum that, in the long run, would be 
to the disadvantage of everyone, not just serious competitors.

I find it hard to believe that the ARRL will not change its rules by 
next year -- but then again, the Sweepstakes rules still talk about 

73, Pete N4ZR
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On 3/20/2017 4:03 PM, Matt NQ6N wrote:
> I hope nobody leaves the reflector over this discussion!
> To the fiercest competitors among us, the rules matter A LOT.  We should
> all be pleased to see the community taking the rules seriously and
> discussing strategies that some feel bend the rules and others feel
> strongly do not.  I'd say all this is a sign of a healthy, competitive
> community.  If rule nuances didn't trigger impassioned debate, what would
> be the point of having those rules?
> We all respect winning in radiosport because we respect the worthy
> competition and the difficulty of coming up with strategies that are both
> within the rules and haven't been thought of already.
> 73,
> Matt NQ6N
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 8:45 AM, Martin Durham <W1md at w1md.net> wrote:
>> I should take the better part of (fill in your favorite adjective here)
>> and not reply because this really doesn't deserve reply. But, I feel I must.
>> First...I'm not much of an 'expert' on CQ-Contest Reflector...I don't
>> contribute thousands of Posts like you do Mike...so I'm a neophyte when it
>> comes to 'reflector discussion'.
>> HOWEVER, I do think I have a little bit of expertise when it comes to
>> contesting...I've been contesting since 1980 (first field day as a novice)
>> and KA1EEF (scored 14th in the world for CQWW SSB QRP...Licensed in March
>> 1980) and have put up literally hundereds of millions of points in ARRL/CQ
>> and other contests (most as a member of a multi-op...NB1H my first Extra
>> Call, then W1MD and this host of other stations/calls, K1ST, K1AR, K1EA,
>> KC1XX, NQ4I, K8AZ, K1XX,  V26, VP5, J38, PJ2, and PJ4 come to mind). 538,
>> 852, 302 points as part of Multi-op's and my own single op's just since
>> 2002 (That equates to 'just a few' hours behind the wheel...so I think I
>> have some authority to talk) Half a billion points since 2002. Oh, the J38X
>> operation was a 2man M/M...we didn't bother with the M/2 band change rules.
>> The PJ4G team needs no defense because they did nothing wrong. They
>> operated within the RULES...PERIOD. That someone made a recording and chose
>> to 'stir the pot' on this reflector is a totally different subject.
>> They don't need to provide a 'written' statement...IT WAS WITHIN THE rules.
>> There have been many wins from the PJ4G station...in both CQWW and ARRL.
>> That station is well designed and many well known contesters have operated
>> from that location.
>> THE OPERATION FOLLOWED the RULES. Period, end of discussion. NOW...you
>> want to discuss changing the rules...go ahead.
>> As for your ad-hominem attack on NA2AA...why? Is that the level you have
>> to stoop to? I understand NA2AA's frustration. What special software?? He
>> wrote a Duping program before most people were USING software, and then a
>> logging program...there is a problem with that??
>> There are a 'group' on this reflector that talk as if they are on Mt.
>> Olympus, preaching down to the rest of us 'lowly' contestors as if we don't
>> know what we're talking about. See above...1/2 Billion points contributed
>> to contest scores since 2002.
>> You and a few others talk a lot here on the reflector...and pontificate as
>> to what is right, what is not right and who should be able to do what. How
>> about your experience?? I've worked on stations from my current home
>> station (K3/AL-80B/DX-88/HF-2V) that has scored over 1million points in
>> CQWW CW to stations like K8AZ, NQ4I, NB1H/K1ST for large M/M operations in
>> the US. I regularly 'setup' the PJ4X station (we have to build the station
>> inside and take it apart every contest...radios/switching/amp's/computer
>> network/), did a field day setup at J38X and V26...you get the picture (or
>> maybe you don't).
>> Now, I see you have been in a few contests as well since 2004...about 25
>> Million points worth or maybe 1/20 the operating I've done...
>> It's you and your ilk that keep a lot of folks OFF the reflector...or
>> 'lurking' as readers and not contributors.
>> No ill will intended, but get your facts straight...
>> 73,
>> W1MD
>> ________________________________
>> From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com> on behalf of W0MU
>> Mike Fatchett <w0mu at w0mu.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 5:24:13 PM
>> To: Ron Notarius W3WN; cq-contest at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QSY
>> When will we see a written statement from the PJ4G guys about how this
>> practice is great for contesting for X reasons and that all contests
>> might want to consider it because of X.
>> There is no statement because they are upset that their little "exploit"
>> "loophole" etc was exposed for all to see and they are upset.  Maybe
>> they are embarrassed as the vocal majority seems to feel this was done
>> against the spirit of the rules and hobby?
>> We have had many arguments for disallowing the practice.  The only pro I
>> saw was one of the technical merits of doing such and we should not
>> thwart advances in technology, which I agree but not at the expense of
>> our already limited bands.
>> I read with interest that NA2AA had created special software share just
>> among friends.......It sure makes me wonder what that software is
>> doing.  This information was obtained from whoever wrote he QRZ bio, as
>> it was done in 3rd person so I have to guess that it was written by
>> another?
>> W0MU
>> On 3/19/2017 1:34 PM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>>> Yes, it does.
>>> I guess flouting the spirit of the rules, while rubbing our noses in it,
>> is
>>> meant to be inspiration?  If that was his intent, didn't work.  Instead,
>> it
>>> reminds of me Scut Farkus and Grover Dill.
>>> 73
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
>>> W0MU Mike Fatchett
>>> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 10:24 PM
>>> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QSY
>>> This speaks volumes........Loud and clear.
>>> 73
>>> W0MU
>>> On 3/17/2017 1:45 PM, David Minster wrote:
>>>> Yep.  I'm out.  We'll go on winning contests while you figure out ways
>> to
>>> stop us, or lick your wounds when you lose.  Or blame propagation.  Or...
>>>> David, NA2AA (PJ4G team)
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