[CQ-Contest] Contesting via remote

Ria Jairam rjairam at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 06:25:01 EDT 2017

I notice a few stations are operating remotely using their home calls.
Seems pretty cool to do so. I operated remote in a contest while I was
overseas as well, but my own station.

Under FCC rules:
"Reciprocal Operator privileges are those authorized by the alien's
government, but do not exceed those of the FCC Amateur Extra Class

>From what I understand, the operator is restricted to the privileges on
his/her home license, in addition to not exceeding US extra privileges.

Would a DX operator who has, for example a 500W or 1kW power limit be
allowed full power (1.5kW) here either remotely or even in person? Reading
that guidance from the FCC it would not seem so and they would be limited
to the home license power limit.



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