[CQ-Contest] Self spotting?

Holger Hannemann holger at 9h3m.com
Sat Nov 4 16:54:11 EDT 2017

We were spotting a lot in the last WWDX SSB as for some reason the setting
"spot all when S&P" was active for many hours. We spotted stations worked
and stations that would still not hear us. We found out when checking
cluster traffic. First we thought someone else is using our call. I hope
that doesn't DQ us but than our result was so down from other years that we
probably won't even make it into the top 50 this time.

I'm not sure how much awareness such spotting may create that a certain area
(say OC) is open other than for the station you spot. In most contest
software you see the spotter only for your own call and many stations filter
out spots from other continents.

On the other side the last WWDX SSB contest was a show without us down South
as the Northern lines (EU-AS-NA) were open but we would have needed 3-5 more
hops to join. We did M/2. Run1 was without a single cluster spot for 12
consecutive hours and Run2 for 8-9 hours even so the bands were open and we
were CQing. The rates were accordingly low. But we can see that nobody makes
a 2oo+ rate pointing to VK/ZL.

73 Holger ZL3IO/ZM4T

On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Mark <markzl3ab at gmail.com> wrote:

> As you may know we have all sorts of issues in this part of the world 
> with getting people to turn their beams in a contest.
> So if I come across a station calling CQ who clearly cannot hear me, 
> is it OK to spot him saying ZL can hear you? Would it make a 
> difference if, being in a multi-op, the spot comes from my personal 
> callsign and not the multi-op callsign?
> My feeling is if the spot doesn't come from the station callsign and 
> doesn't mention the station callsign,it can't be considered self 
> spotting as the DX station won't know the callsign which wants to work 
> him (although he might assume it is the one spotting him).
> Thoughts?
> 73
> Mark ZL3AB
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