[CQ-Contest] Recording CQWW DX Contest on Your Computer

charlie carroll k1xx at k1xx.com
Fri Nov 10 22:16:13 EST 2017

Concur on Ken's comments.  Lots of Caribbean Qs using Audacity and not a 
hint of bogging down.

73 charlie, k1xx

On 11/10/2017 6:08 PM, Ken K6MR wrote:
> It’s been a while since I used it but I think there is a command line option to generate a single file.
> For disk space, reduce your sample rate down to 8000.  That’s plenty for contest audio.
> Audacity works well, and doubles as a great editor for phone voice keyer recordings.
> Ken K6MR
> ________________________________
> From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com> on behalf of Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com>
> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2017 10:32:42 AM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Recording CQWW DX Contest on Your Computer
> I'm curious how most of you serious competitors are recording the CQWW
> DX CW contest?
> I downloaded QSOrder by K3IT to use in N1MM Logger +.  After playing
> around it looks like it just records individual files for each contact
> you make. Looking at the CQWW rules  they say :
> The recording must be in a common format (e.g., mp3) and should include
> the audio to each ear as a separate channel. The recording must be a
> continuous recording (not a recording of individual QSOs). Time “off the
> air” (when not transmitting or receiving) does not have to recorded.
> Maybe I don't have QSOrder setup correctly??? It appears this plugin to
> N1MM Logger + wouldn't meet the requirements in the rules?  Another
> option would to be to buy an external recorder and plug it into the LINE
> OUT of your radio. The prices of these are from about $29 to some well
> to the hundreds of dollars.
> A free option to record the contest that I found was to download some
> software named Audacity. I have a cable from my LINE OUT on the K3 going
> to the LINE IN of my West Mountain Radio Rigblaster Advantage. The
> SPEAKER OUT from it goes to the Microphone input on my computer. When
> the contest starts you just start Audacity and press the record button
> to start recording the contest. I made a one minute recording and the
> file was 20 MB. That would mean one hour of recording would be 1200 MB.
> The program shows how much recording time you have available. On my
> computer it says 670 hours. I had 678 GB of space left on my hard drive.
> Jeff KU8E
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